I woke up this morning in the middle of a dream in which I was listening to Weather Report do a Dub version of one of their songs. It had been de-constructed and re-worked so much you could barely hear the remnants of the original. But just as I woke up it resolved into Cucumber Slumber and it was called something like Turnip Nap. Or possibly Consuetude as some kind of pun riff on Swedes. And with a nod to Zappa's reworking of "Black Napkins" into "Serviettes Noir". So I go looking for a Cucumber Slumber Dub and I don't think anyone's ever done it, and somebody should. Although there are one or two jazz tribute bands that do something approaching it. It's really annoying that you can't record the music you hear in your dreams! The original https://youtu.be/_eUMQSfPtZU Barbary Coast - Cucumber Slumber Medley https://youtu.be/RzQL6MOLA_4 Black Napkins https://youtu.be/cNkl1avYXRM Le Serviette Noir live in Paris https://youtu.be/KIhiq-66A8Q Titties and Beer tour. Yep, I was there. Now, Simon Reynolds does a yearly thing where he encourages his blog followers to find music with examples of exceptional playing of one instrument. This year it was Bass. Most of it is from post-disco or post-punk so you get lots of references to The Stranglers or Bootsy and I was thinking that Cucumber Slumber is an example of amazing bass playing that might have been missed. Which led to Simon's post here that covers a huge amount of ground around Bass from Psychedelia. Mid-60s to Mid-80s. http://blissout.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/bass-bits-4-psychedelia.html As an aside, The Stranglers turned up on Dangerous Minds[1] in a short post about George Melly. http://dangerousminds.net/comments/the_stranglers_appear_in_a_bbc_documentary_about_surrealism_1978 You owe it to yourself to listen at least once to Their collaboration "Old Codger". Rather uncomfortable listening, post Saville. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO_6qmBHLbo Back to Reynolds. Right in the middle of his post about Psychedelic Bass is a live version of Jaco Pastorius doing a tribute to Noel Redding and Jimi Hendrix with a jazz-ed up version of Third Stone From The Sun. At which point I realised that I saw him do this at Hammersmith Odeon during the same tour. He was booed by an audience that was mostly there to see Birdland which had just become an international hit. They thought they were there to see some Lounge Jazz and what they got was a Sonic Attack from an abandoned Bass guitar feeding back through the floor of the stage and some wild eyed maniac space-hippy in harem pants bowing to them from the footlights. https://youtu.be/gtHbxsdExlE [1]Dangerous Minds is a wonderful blog. Where else could you find a mix of the 200 cover versions of "These Boots" mixed in with a discussion of Paul Klee's influences. http://dangerousminds.net/comments/listen_to_over_200_different_versions_of_nancy_sinatras_these_boots_are_mad [from: Google+ Posts] |
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[ 06-Mar-16 7:54am ]