Ross Mayfield: says haven't twittered today because it is disturbing that my tweets show up in Google News Hmmm. I couldn't see Ross in Google news so I checked blogsearch and the plain index and didn't find his twitters. But there is a problem here. Or is there? For me, I' becoming irritated that my posts in are turning up in the main google index. Should I be? As a confirmed geek I've been happy to jump on each digital lifestyle application that exposes more and more of my life to the web and search engines. Finally I'm getting mildly concerned about the crossovers between my various personae. Is that post from "The CTO", "The Developer", The M/C Racing Obssessive", "The Old Hippy", "The Grumpy Old Man" or perhaps from "The Robot". |
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[ 06-Apr-07 8:15am ] [ twitter