Dene Schonknecht, the company's (Microsoft) media and entertainment alliance manager the earliest date it will be in the UK is towards the end of 2007. However, it could easily be 2008... ...We haven't yet selected a music store provider to build Marketplace in the UK, which means we're way off launch Bwaahahahaha. But wait a minute. Isn't teh Zune supposed to work with teh Urge, now they've dumped PFS and WMA-DRM? So they've pissed off the few poor fools who tried to build a WMA based music download site and now they haven't got a replacement can't do it themselves and need to find "partners" to do it for them. Do I detect a bit of channel conflict here? So then we have the continued lunacy that whoever wants to build a legal music download site needs to build a new one in each market. So this won't just be the UK, but each and every country outside the USA. iPod Killer. Right. |
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[ 30-Oct-06 7:13pm ] [ DRM