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And so it begins. I've also heard this rumour from the chair of our local Conservative Association. 2-May makes the General Election the same day as the local town and district council elections. I think the Tory party organisations have been told to prepare and be ready.

They need an excuse to use to request a delay on Art50 from the EU.

And Theresa May has already said she would stand down from being the party leader before the next general election. So this is where she gets to walk away as well?

It does all tie in with the sudden rash of newspaper front pages from the Tory faithful press about how she'd win big if there was an election now. Along with ramping up the character assassination of Corbyn.

And all in the hope that they can get a big enough majority to feed the DUP to the wolves.

What can I say? "Big, if true!".
[from: Google+ Posts]

JS;DR. Javascript (required); Did not Render.

or perhaps

JS;DR. Javascript (Required); Didn't Read.

Pages that are empty without JS: dead to history (archive-org), unreliable for search results (despite any search engine claims of JS support, check it yourself), and thus ignorable. No need to waste time reading or responding.

Also known as, if it’s not curl-able [or wget-able], it’s not on the web.

[from: Google+ Posts]

free to use.

Do whatever you like with it.

Including, ignore it.
[from: Google+ Posts]

when Google+ shuts down?" and "What will happen to my Blogger comments?"
[from: Google+ Posts]

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