27 May 2020 12 Mar 2019 [ 12-Mar-19 5:01pm ] [ 12-Mar-19 5:01pm ] 12 Feb 2019 And so it begins. I've also heard this rumour from the chair of our local Conservative Association. 2-May makes the General Election the same day as the local town and district council elections. I think the Tory party organisations have been told to prepare and be ready.
They need an excuse to use to request a delay on Art50 from the EU. And Theresa May has already said she would stand down from being the party leader before the next general election. So this is where she gets to walk away as well? It does all tie in with the sudden rash of newspaper front pages from the Tory faithful press about how she'd win big if there was an election now. Along with ramping up the character assassination of Corbyn. And all in the hope that they can get a big enough majority to feed the DUP to the wolves. https://twitter.com/JamesMelville/status/1095028520336740352 What can I say? "Big, if true!". [from: Google+ Posts] 07 Feb 2019 JS;DR. Javascript (required); Did not Render. or perhaps JS;DR. Javascript (Required); Didn't Read. http://tantek.com/2015/069/t1/js-dr-javascript-required-dead https://twitter.com/t/status/575434935554584576 Pages that are empty without JS: dead to history (archive-org), unreliable for search results (despite any search engine claims of JS support, check it yourself), and thus ignorable. No need to waste time reading or responding. Also known as, if it’s not curl-able [or wget-able], it’s not on the web. [from: Google+ Posts] [ 07-Feb-19 7:59am ] 06 Feb 2019 [ 06-Feb-19 8:14am ] 04 Feb 2019 when Google+ shuts down?" and "What will happen to my Blogger comments?"
[from: Google+ Posts] 03 Feb 2019 [ 03-Feb-19 4:49pm ] 02 Feb 2019 #SignalFlare
https://wheretofind.me/@Julian.Bond https://voidstar.com https://www.facebook.com/julian.bond [from: Google+ Posts] [ 02-Feb-19 1:55pm ] 31 Jan 2019 I am sure that the Republic of #Ireland could form a customs union with the UK, independent of its one with the EU-26. It would be great to see greater union between the two states in the British Isles, which have a lot in common with each other. I'm absolutely speechless. It's really hard to even know where to start, it's so wrong. Quite apart from the Good Friday Agreement, what part of "Union" in "European Union" doesn't he understand? It's almost (but not quite) as offensive as when Humphreys on the R4 Today program last week challenged the Irish Europe minister that Ireland should leave the EU and “throw in their lot with this country.”. https://twitter.com/aja_curtis/status/1090617689058566145 [from: Google+ Posts] Con, Mr Mark Prisk MP, Hertford and Stortford Key Vote (Brady): For - Rebel: No Other votes: Labour amendment - Against Spelman amendment - Against Cooper amendment - Against Grieve amendment - Against Reeves amendment - Against Brady amendment - For SNP amendment - Against So that's following the party line, voting to pursue the impossible deal amendment and failing to reject the impossible "Leaving with No Deal". In a process that does nothing but waste time. Once upon a time he was a Remainer. His constituency and county were very finely balanced in the referendum. Polls suggest both are now solidly remain. He promoted and apparently agreed with the Chequers plan. He voted for and promoted the Withdrawal Agreement that was thrown out by parliament. The one thing he seems to be good at is producing posts and essays that explain exactly why the proposal from Tory head office is the best thing ever and so he's following the party line. Tribal politics, eh? How bad and insane does it have to get before loyal Tory MPs like this one, vote for sanity and rebel rather than just following the party whips? https://twitter.com/PriskMark https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/11172/mark_prisk/hertford_and_stortford Read Mark Prisk's contributions to Parliament, including speeches and questions, investigate their voting record, and get email alerts on their activity [from: Google+ Posts] [ 31-Jan-19 8:02am ] |
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