Quoting: The Charter of the Forest is among the first ecological charters in history and among the first to assert the rights of the common man and woman. As it coincided with the first feminist advance, in a modified Article 7 of the Magna Carta, which could have been in the Forest Charter, it could also be called a first feminist charter. The Charter has the distinction of being the most durable piece of legislation in British history, having only been superseded in 1971, with the Wild Creatures and Forest Laws Act, by when most of its principles had been embedded in other legislation, including the Commons Act of 1876, which ruled that enclosure should be allowed only if there were public benefit, and by the establishment of the Forestry Commission in 1919. This year is the 800th anniversary of a founding document of the British constitution, and of other constitutions as well. Issued in the name of a ten-year-old King Henry III alongside the modified Charter of Liberties that had been sealed by King John and the barons at Runnymede on June 15, 2015 th... [from: Google+ Posts] |
[ << Frestonia will be 40 years old tomorrow ] [ In the last couple of years, the Poly-Named-One posted a comment on the Charles Stross Blog (http:// >> ]
[ 06-Nov-17 9:03am ]