Realists have no idea how they ended up living on this once hospitable planet with all these fools
 Chinese Demand, Peak Oil And Realism - Decline of the Empire »
This is the third and final day of my spring fundraiser. If you value this website, consider making a donation via the Donate (Paypal) button on this page, or by sending a check or money order to the PO Box I gave you in Tueday's post. Thanks — Dave [Tony Judt's book Ill Fares the Land] has a touch of prophecy in the authentic sense of that term. Prophecy is not about foretelling the future; it is about warning those in the present that unless th...

[from: Google+ Posts]

[ << 16 May (tonight), MS Stubnitz, Canary Wharf, London for some Real time, Algorithmically Generated Techno... ] [ Shock horror. Festivals are expensive and only middle aged, middle class people can afford it. >> ]
[ 16-May-13 4:49pm ]