Not sure if this is clever or not. It seems to be stuck with the usual out of date genres labels, and no mention of London as the music mix capital of the world? Worth a look though.

Also, it's got a silly name. >> is your access to the best music in the world - recorded live
at exclusive events in New York, in the nightclubs of Berlin, at festivals in Ibiza,
and hand-picked from all over the net. A...

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

[ << Arrr! Me Hearties! Anyone up for a game of wack-a-mole? http://www.fucktimkuik.... ] [ Brewdog's Hardcore IPA, Punk IPA and 5am Saint available in selected Sainsburys. That'll do nicely. >> ]
[ 07-May-12 10:40am ]