The Next Overused Buzz Phrase | AlwaysOn : "Social Graph" might become the new "Web 2.0." Phrase droppers of the world unite. There's a lot of noise around Brad Fitzpatrick's Thoughts on the Social Graph and the mailing list associated with it. not surprisingly, I've been a prolific poster, so I'm going to have to copy some of the mind grenades I've tossed in to here. One quick thought. There's a set of people obsessed about the privacy implications of linking social graphs between social networks. I think they're misguided because the cat is already out of the bag, the horse has already bolted, etc etc. If you post on the net you have no privacy. Get over it. Your potential employers, various governments and people who might vote for you are already using all that data to draw big pictures about you. Assuming of course that anyone cares. See also They're creating FOAF on the fly from aggregated Social graphs. Which is giving another kick to the total amount of FOAF out there. I wonder again what is the total number of RDF FOAF files and RDF triples out there waiting for someone to do something useful with them. Linking social graphs is prime Semantic Web territory so the usual suspects have dived into the mailing list. And yet again I'm kicking and screaming and being a grumpy old man because I find it so hard to follow their jargon, and because they're comments and solutions are still at the academic, system level. I've been thoroughly rude in the past about RDF that it's "Write Only Data" Sadly I think it still is as I've yet to see an end user application built on it. Every single proof of concept I've seen has been intensely geeky and aimed at "showing the power of RDF". What it doesn't do is actually solve some real world problem. The state of the art in RDF has moved on a bit since the Semantic Web conference in Galway 3 years ago. But the criticisms of it being academic wanking still apply. |
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[ 22-Aug-07 9:27am ] [ YASN