On the subject of Reverse engineering keeping Skype honest, I found this on the Skype API forum. forum.skype.com :: View topic - Please release your API before it becomes public underground : "When business forget they are a business, they go out of business." For those of you that are not running a business with stiff competition, or trying to meet release deadlines, or make a profit, or SURVIVE, then you can afford to be patient. By the time you guys are done reading this thread and asking Skype for an API, I have used JAJAH OPEN API to create a running CALL BACK FEATURE in less than one day. Fully transparent, works perfect, done. Like many I suppose, Ill wait until the NAKED SKYPE API becomes available, or until the Chinese version becomes downloadable on IRC or for sale. If Skype does not care about protecting their supernode network by releasing a legit version, how can they expect their developers too? Developers can not to proceed with VOIP enabled software with this current API. Some of you may think I am rude, or abrupt, but lets face it, I am the face of business, the path of least resistance. Also, for your consideration: http://www.techcrunch.com/2005/12/17/google-talk-puts-gun-to-skypes-head/ and http://www.skypejournal.com/blog/archives/yet_more_technology_topics/products/skype_api/ and strait from GOOGLE I give you: http://www.google.com/talk/developer.html At which point I just repeat myself. If LibJingle is going to open up IM, where's the code that uses it? |
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[ 16-Jul-06 10:09pm ] [ Skype ]