I did a quick search this morning trying to find details of Googletalk's approach to NAT busting when both clients are behind a firewall but without success. It's really irritating when a Google search brings up your own blog with the question! The only experience I have here is with my daughter at Edinburgh University. They have a very restrictive firewall that limits you to HTTP via a proxy and that's basically it. She (with my help) hasn't been able to get Skype or MSN to work. But Googletalk got straight through with good voice quality. So how did they do that? But mostly I'm curious about how Google's servers compare with Skype's Supernodes. Anyone? But most of all I'm desperately waiting for GoogleTalk v0.2 and the first decent alternative (Gaim?) that supports voice. |
[ << Google Base Update ] [ GoogleTalk + Jabber + LibJingle + AIM + iChat = what? >> ]
[ 20-Dec-05 8:21am ] [ Skype