2005 Notebook Drive Roundup I'm sure I'm going to be updating the drive ooner rather than later. You can never get enough storage, right? [from: del.icio.us] |
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[ 28-Nov-05 11:25pm ] [ hardware ]
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All text here is (K) Kopyleft, All Rights Reversed, 2001, Julian Bond
» https://x.com/1goodtern/status/1853024443838222784> I've
heard whispers that serious
people in power have been
watching the da ...
» How do we wean ourselves off the DRAX power plant in the UK
and close it down?Because
reducing carbon emissions by
burning wood pe ...
» Android 14, 1Tb MicroSD card, exFAT.Every once in a while on
an android boot, it thinks the
SD card is corrupt and offers
to re-in ...
» There was a SciFi movement a few years ago to commission
deliberately hopeful fiction
and short stories. Stephenson
and Doctorow c ...
» There are not many works of fiction with an optimistic
future. I blame SciFi
Dystopias. (c
.com/life ...
» 13 years since I gave up smoking and nicotine. The only
thing that worked for me was
cold turkey after a medical
scare. Took a wee ...
» #Cocktail - Caprice60ml Gin, 15ml Benedictine, 15ml Dry
Vermouth, Orange Bitters,
Lemon twist
» Of course we can handle airborne disease - it's just
» At this stage in the game, it seems entirely appropriate
that the Tory Party should
elect the most bat-shit crazy
person left as t ...
» Just stumbled across this.https://archive.is/4Ymmb2014.
Obama, USA-China accord on
climate change.> As part of
the agreement, Mr. ...
2005 Notebook Drive Roundup I'm sure I'm going to be updating the drive ooner rather than later. You can never get enough storage, right? [from: del.icio.us] |