AOL to Begin New VoIP Service Roll-Out on October 4 The IM wars continue. Now AOL has beefed up their IM client and bolted it to a more traditional VoIP offering. A key sentence out of the press release. AOL has worked closely with open source solution provider Pingtel, Global IP Sound, and On2 on custom-developed solutions that will deliver state-of-the-art audio and video quality, simplify connections behind firewalls, and provide SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) standard compliance and more to TotalTalk and AIM. So where does this compare with Google Talk, Skype, MSN, YM! and Jabber? And what's the effect on Apple who interconnect with AIM in iChat. Nothing like a bit of competition to stir things up. |
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[ 21-Sep-05 8:17am ] [ AOL