Wanted: Good Windows programmers to work on the Skype API Because it's there. There's no money involved. Probably. I have some projects in ascending difficulty involving the Skype API. 1) A toolbar App that watched the Skype presence status of the logged in person and their contacts and called a simple web service whenever it changed. 2) A toolbar App that watched the Skype status of the logged in person and their contacts and FTPed a GIF to a web site whenever it changed. 3) An App and web site to enable a professional to charge by the minute for time spent providing their service via Skype, Skype-In and Skype-Out 4) A distributed call centre where call centre operators worked at home via Skype, Skype-in and Skype-out. I have a prototype for the first and second but I'm not good enough at Windows programming to finish it with out a lot more research. Drop me an email at julian_bond at voidstar.com |
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[ 18-Apr-05 9:33am ] [ Programming