I'm looking for a simple, easy to use sound recorder. It must:- - Record Wave out and Microphone mixed - Be able to output MP3 - Be dead easy to use. - Preferably with a noise gate and auto record level control. - Cheap or free Any ideas? Note about the sound source. I must have the output of both Wave Out and Microphone. But without playing back the Microphone through the headset. So it'll need to get the sound from DirectSound or the sound card without going via the Windows Mixer. It's easy to record Wave Out Mix and to enable Mic and Wave Out but then you hear your own voice through the headphones which is pretty distracting. Any ideas? I've tried Audacity but it can only take windows mixer out. And it's too complex and heavy duty. I just want a device with three big buttons for start, stop, playback. [from: JB Ecademy] |
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