1) Skype Options, Handset, disable Auto sound setting 2) Open Windows mixer, make sure Microphone is included. Unmute the microphone. Set low. Set Wave Out to the same level 3) Open another Windows Mixer for Recording, select Wave out mix. Set low. 4) Install Audacity with the Lame MP3 encoder 5) Set Audacity to 22Khz, 16 bit mono 6) Set MP3 encoding to 64K or 32 K 7) Start Audacity recording 8) Use Skype to call Echo123 for testing. 9) Stop recording, check it and then Export to MP3 10) Done. The trick is geting the levels right so that there's no clipping. Audacity has lots of effects too. And it's all free.The downside is that you hear your own voice in the headphones. What we need is to route the Microphone plus Wave Out to Audacity. The Microphone to Skype. And Wave out to your headphones. You can't do all this just with the Windows mixer controls. It may be possible to do this with Virtual Audio Cables (VAC). Stuart Henshall and Bill Campbell have a more complex version of this involving two Skype sessions and VAC. |
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[ 21-Dec-04 8:08pm ] [ Skype