Weblogs such as Manila and Blogger (and of course, voidstar.com) provide probably the fastest, easiest way to get a website up and on line. They can provide all the content management and even workflow that any company could ask for. And yet they have a reputation for being the verbal diarrhoea of sad souls who really ought to get out more.

Well here's an article that suggests that "Ancien-regime PR agencies have legitimate uses for Weblogs". There's a whole set of useful suggestions for ways in which companies and PR Agencies can use a comparatively unstructured tool to improve communications.

So what's this got to do with Business (with a capital B). Well there's a huge amount of PR going on in this business and almost all of it is pointless fluff. But at the same time, tech companies are young and immature and haven't yet learnt the lesson about being open and inclusive with your customers. It's the old "brick wall around the organization" process where information can only be leaked out once it's been approved by 7 layers of lawyers, PR and management. So here's the message to the tech vendors, market operators and service providers. Talk to your customers! And let them talk back.
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