25 Nov 2018 So it has come to this. The Prime Minister's office is now sending out Nigerian Spam letters.
https://twitter.com/theresa_may/status/1066466567700037632 As one wag put it: DEAR HONOURED CITIZEN, I HAVE ALL THIS SOVEREIGNTY AND WOULD LIKE TO SHARE IT BUT NEED HELP GETTING IT OUT OF THE COUNTRY. PLEASE SEND ME YOUR VOTE. It's hard to know where to even start, given that the letter is so full of half-truths, fakery and outright lies. Thankfully others have done it for us. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1066481327367700480.html This Deal must be voted out. Any subsequent deal that hopes to tweak the edges to run down the clock must also be voted out. This has now been reduced to a 3 way decision. May-Deal, No-Deal or No-Brexit. And it's up to our representatives in government to make that decision in the best interests of the country. And not to be swayed just by party politics or personal power. And remember folks:- No UK-Exit is better than any bad UK-Exit. And they're all bad. Thread by @GuitarMoog: "Dear @theresa_may, Thank you for your letter. From the very first sentence to the very last, it is a tissue of revisi false equivalences, and downright lies. You have a lot of bloody gall writing this to me. […]" #SacktheBrexitDeal [from: Google+ Posts] [ 25-Nov-18 8:48am ] 22 Nov 2018 once - Cross-post everywhere" .
So I posted once on G+ and the system cross posted the article or a subset of it to all the other platforms. This originally used http://dlvr.it but then they stopped reading G+. I was never completely happy with the layout. And I needed to code for this in my own blog anyway, so I wrote a G+ post to Atom convertor. This gave me an Atom feed to push into http://dlvr.it as well as a source for my blog to auto-create posts. Then Facebook stopped allowing external apps to post on a personal timeline. This process always had to start with G+ because that didn't have a write API. It could only be a source for cross posting, not a sink. http://dlvr.it and IFTTT have become less and less useful as they monetise and keep reducing support for free users. Meanwhile, new systems started to turn up with their own APIs like Mastodon, Diaspora, Hubzilla, etc. But even though they use standardised protocols, they're still too small to get any traction with things like http://dlvr.it and IFTTT. And now G+ is closing down. So it can't even be a source any more. And there's no obvious way to get posts out of Facebook as they disabled Atom feeds out of Facebook long ago. So what with the snowflake API problem, free services getting monetised and closed and walled gardens adding barbed wire to the top of the walls, this approach is reaching the end of the road. Maybe the idea of "Post once - Cross-post everywhere" has become impossible. It's certainly hard to work out where to start. [from: Google+ Posts] 12 Nov 2018 Boost
![]() Julian Bond originally shared this post: So as we throw the damp rizla packet of disappointment into the overflowing ashtray of sadness and hope that the weekend's big fish doesn't eat the little fish in the cardboard box, we realize that it's not that bad, it's just another rainy monday. [from: Google+ Posts] 11 Nov 2018 Never forget. Never again. Peace. Imagine. War is over. No more war. https://ppu.org.uk/ White poppy wearers to hold Alternative Remembrance Sunday Ceremonies · White poppy wreaths will be laid throughout Britain this weekend to commemorate all victims of war of all nationalities. Jitei White, walking while wearing a white poppy ... [from: Google+ Posts] 10 Nov 2018 Tomorrow night on Armistice day, where's the party where we celebrate that we're still alive and we're not at War?
This was a tradition all through the 20s. And let's not forget that Armistice day, VE day and VJ day were huge parties. We can be all sad as we remember those we lost. But then we need to have a wake. Never forget. Never again. Peace. [from: Google+ Posts] 06 Nov 2018 Labour MPs must not vote for Theresa May's deal because "it's better than No Deal". And especially if it fails Labour's 6 tests. It's becoming clear that Labour and Momentum members don't want Brexit. They want a General Election. And if there's no General Election, they want a People's Vote.
https://peoplesmomentum.com/2018/11/06/brexit-consultation/ [from: Google+ Posts] [ 06-Nov-18 6:04pm ] 03 Nov 2018 [ 03-Nov-18 5:05pm ] [ 03-Nov-18 5:05pm ] [ 03-Nov-18 5:05pm ] [ 03-Nov-18 5:04pm ] [ 03-Nov-18 5:04pm ] 31 Oct 2018 Stuck for a Halloween costume? Exercise your inner Rees-Mogg with this tasteful "Sexy Factory Owner"
And as it's in UKIP colours you can re-use it at their next party conference.
A snip at only 25 Euros. https://twitter.com/HumansOfLate/status/1056649940305354754 [from: Google+ Posts] [ 31-Oct-18 8:35am ] 29 Oct 2018 [ 29-Oct-18 8:15am ] 23 Oct 2018 http://www.fieldmaneuvers.com/ FIELD MANEUVERS IS A NO FRILLS RAVE. EXCELLENT DJS PLAYING EXCELLENT SOUND SYSTEMS TO AN EXCELLENT CROWD. 700 PEOPLE, 3 NIGHTS, 1 FIELD. [from: Google+ Posts] [ 23-Oct-18 2:22pm ] 22 Oct 2018 Following Saturday's March Against UK-Exit
We don't need another referendum or vote for MPs to come to their senses, act in the national interest and say: "You asked us to try and find a way of leaving the EU. Well, we've done our best and we can't find any sensible way of doing that. So we've decided to cancel Article 50 and call the whole thing off. Here's my resignation". [from: Google+ Posts] 18 Oct 2018 Anti-Brexit March - London - Sat 20 Oct
3 Days to go. Be there. And vote with your feet. Apparently Green Park has reduced capacity so find another tube station to use to get to Park Lane/Hyde Park Corner for the start. https://www.peoples-vote.uk/march https://www.facebook.com/events/240175440046612/ Sections of this page. Accessibility help. Press alt + / to open this menu. Remove. To help personalise content, tailor and measure ads and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. By clicking on or navigating the site, you agree to allow us to collect information on and off Facebook through cookies. [from: Google+ Posts] 16 Oct 2018 Paul Ehrlich - The Population Bomb
By a spooky coincidence, Paul Ehrlich published The Population Bomb in 1968 in the same year that population growth rate peaked at 2.09%/yr. The global population that year was 3.55b. If that growth rate had been maintained ever since then we would have passed through 10b this year. So we're really lucky that 1968 was also pretty much when we transitioned from exponential growth to linear growth and hitting 10b is still 38 years away. It's easy to see now in retrospect that the demographic transition happened and come up with all kinds of reasons why it happened. It's harder to come up with reasons as to why Ehrlich should have seen it then. He was writing in a time when we'd had a 100 years or so of exponential growth over 1.5%/yr and in the previous 20 years it had been accelerating. So I think he deserves a break for being overly pessimistic back then. 10b, right now, and having got there so fast, would not be pretty. I don't think its going to be pretty in 2056 either, but we have a little more time to adjust. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Population_Bomb http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/#growthrate [from: Google+ Posts] [ 16-Oct-18 4:45pm ] 15 Oct 2018 Google is proving itself to be an unreliable and untrustworthy partner. We're being chucked off G+ as it closes down. So which other Google properties should we leave now and stop investing time and effort into? Because we don't know when Google will decide to just close them down. Here's a short list of Google Products that feel to me like they might be at risk.
- Music - Photos - Drive - Blogger - Calendar - News - GoogleGroups - Hangouts - Chromecast Audio - Wear OS - Android Auto - Google Pay https://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/about/products/ And that's just the consumer stuff. Want to invest time in Google APIs to build into products? Don't. Originally posted at https://plus.google.com/+JulianBond23/posts/3wo7UBq8Si6 Apologies to +John Lewis Browse a comprehensive list of Google products designed to help you work and play, stay organised, get answers, keep in touch, grow your business and more. [from: Google+ Posts] [ 15-Oct-18 6:45pm ] 14 Oct 2018 br />
UK's Conservative party can't find enough willing applicants to be candidates for parliamentary seats: https://www.conservativehome.com/thetorydiary/2018/10/a-candidate-shortage-strikes-conservative-selections-in-target-seats.html Not enough qualified members. No enthusiasm. Prospect of a long campaign. Pessimism about the next election Has Theresa May finally run out of Brexit road? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/oct/13/has-theresa-may-run-out-brexit-options-eu-leaders Backing herself into a corner of the corn field where there simply aren't any options left that are both acceptable to the EU and could be voted through parliament. David Davis calls on ministers to rebel against Brexit deal. Ex-minister says PM’s plan is ‘unacceptable’ as she tries to appease DUP and Tory Brexiters https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/oct/14/david-davis-calls-on-ministers-to-rebel-against-brexit-deal If it's not the DUP, it's the hard-Brexiters. With this:- Tories take four-point lead over Labour despite Brexit troubles. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/oct/13/tories-take-four-point-lead-over-labour-despite-brexit-troubles The Conservatives are the more trusted party to lead the Brexit negotiations according to the poll, with 29% of respondents saying they trusted the Tories more compared to 18% for Labour. As far as I can tell, the whole country is now living in some fantasy Never Never Land that's completely divorced from reality. We seem to be able to cling on to our tribal loyalties and ignore a ruling party that is imploding as it tries to drive us off the Brexit cliff. I think we're going to need a bigger magic wand. Clap louder, children to save poor tinker-bell. London Anti-Brexit March next Sat (20-Oct). Be There. [from: Google+ Posts] 13 Oct 2018 It's not just about a demand for a vote for us. It's also a demand for the politicians to come to their senses, act in the national interest and to vote to stay in the EU. Just Say No To UK-Exit. https://www.peoples-vote.uk/march [from: Google+ Posts] [ 13-Oct-18 6:56am ] |
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