23 Dec 2016 21 Nov 2016 Here’s The Thing With Ad Blocker detection code.
I get it: Ads aren’t what I'm here for. But ads help the site keep the lights on. So, I've added your site to my ad blocker’s whitelist. So why are you still showing me the adblocker warning message and preventing me from reading your content? Could it be because I've got doubleclick in my /etc/hosts file pointing at localhost because I don't particularly want doubleclick and google tracking everything I do, everywhere on the web. Can't your adblocker detection code tell the difference? Oh well. That's another site I'll try and remember not to click through to. So what do the common adblocker detection libraries actually look for? [from: Google+ Posts] [ 21-Nov-16 9:44am ] 03 Nov 2016 UK Gov transport just got pwned again by a bunch of graphic designers doing a Banksy.
![]() "Are they wearing a big coat to hide something?" "See It, Say It, Sorted" https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-national-rail-security-campaign-starts-today-see-it-say-it-sorted I think what you have is a bunch of middle management on both sides (gov and agency) going through the motions. Employing designers who can't resist making it just slightly tongue in cheek. After a bunch of meetings involving powerpoint and chocolate biscuits, somebody who doesn't really know what they're doing signs off on it. The next thing you know, the marketing department have organised a photo opportunity for a Minister, A Senior Policeman and a Senior Railway executive to launch the campaign. Meanwhile, the designer is in a trendy bar, eating sliders, laughing to his friends about his latest ridiculous commission. And his bosses treat themselves to a board meeting in the OXO tower to celebrate how much money they made out of the campaign. This modern world, eh! Reminds me of TFL's "Secure beneath the watchful eyes" campaign and the "Don't rely on others, if you suspect it report it" anti-terrorist posters of a couple of years ago. "Suspicious activity can include: Someone noticeably behaving differently for no obvious reason". Who are you looking at? ![]() ![]() ![]() Handyman, Pest controller, Derek "Del Boy" Trotter? Report him. He's probably up to no good. ![]() Hawkwind had it right. "Think only of yourself". [from: Google+ Posts] 02 Nov 2016 I've got one of these frame locks, am happy with it and now I want to buy another one (UK). But I'm drawing a blank from all the usual sources, like Amazon, eBay, Evans, etc. I'm even having trouble sourcing one from Germany/France.
It must be the LH NKR variant that is screw mounted and allows the key to be removed. I'd prefer black but would accept black-silver. https://www.amazon.co.uk/ABUS-Bicycle-Lock-4850-Black/dp/B001BADNJ8 https://www.abus.com/uk/Mobile-Security/Bike-Safety-and-Security/Locks/Frame-Locks/Amparo-4850-Black Buy ABUS Bicycle Lock 4850 LH/SP (NKR), 8.5 mm, Black at Amazon UK. Free delivery on eligible orders. [from: Google+ Posts] [ 02-Nov-16 5:49pm ] 24 Oct 2016 Farr is a boutique electronic dance festival on July 13-14-15. Near Baldock on the A1, 30 miles north of London. Think 3 nights of clubbing rather than a "festival" festival with some well known House and Techno names.
I've got access again to a limited number of tickets at the "Super Early Bird" price of £75+£6 instead of the regular £90. Available at the link below. https://tickets.farrfestival.co.uk/rep/jbond-farr-2017 http://www.farrfestival.co.uk/ [from: Google+ Posts] [ 24-Oct-16 8:47am ] 21 Oct 2016 [ 21-Oct-16 9:36am ] 21 Sep 2016 Don't eat the seed corn.
We're going to need all the fossil fuel that's left to create a world where we don't need it any more. Discuss. http://cassandralegacy.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/the-sowers-way-some-comments.html Image: sower by Vincent Van Gogh The publication of the paper "The Sower's way: Quantifying the Narrowing Net-Energy Pathways to a Global Energy Transition" by Sgouridis, Csala, and Bardi, has generated some debate on the "Ca... [from: Google+ Posts] [ 21-Sep-16 8:07am ] 15 Aug 2016 [ 15-Aug-16 9:31am ] 05 Aug 2016 04 Aug 2016 [ 04-Aug-16 8:55am ] [ 04-Aug-16 8:54am ] 26 Jul 2016 Avaaz is raising money for the refugee team at the Rio Olympics.
"These refugees have no home, no team, no flag, no national anthem," IOC president Thomas Bach said. I immediately thought of James Bridle and his "Flag For No Nations" essay. Can we get them to walk in the opening ceremony behind a space blanket as well as the Olympic flag? https://secure.avaaz.org/en/rallying_for_refugees_42/ A Flag for No Nations. http://booktwo.org/notebook/a-flag-for-no-nations/ Refugee team to make history at Rio Olympics (CNN) http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/03/sport/rio-olympics-refugee-team/ After she swam for her life, Syrian refugee now Olympic hopeful (Huffington Post) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/syrian-refugee-looks-to-compete-at-olympics-months-after-swimming-to-flee-danger_us_56f3f9dfe4b0c3ef521815b7 The refugee team https://www.facebook.com/RefugeeOlympicTeam/ ![]() [from: Google+ Posts] 25 Jul 2016 "Welcome to the first true post-mass media election."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMKFIHRpe7I Yes. That really happened. Obama ramped up the social media to dizzying heights and Bernie surfed far past where an also-ran could be expected to wind up, but Trump is kicking it, and he's tapped into something utterly terrifying. Sort of like an unholy, ghastly hybrid of Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, and the late Sir James Goldsmith, rebooted in New Jersey and sent on a daikaiju rampage through the American Id. via http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2016/07/a-plaintive-request.html#comment-2006628 and http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2016/07/a-plaintive-request.html#comment-2006692 [from: Google+ Posts] [ 25-Jul-16 7:50am ] 12 Jul 2016 You'll hear a lot of talk about calls for a UK General Election because Theresa May wasn't democratically elected. Quite apart from misunderstanding representative democracy there's a small problem that hardly gets mentioned. It took Nick Clegg last night to recognise it in public, but even he glossed over the problems. He was the architect of the Fixed term act of 2011. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixed-term_Parliaments_Act_2011 which was a sop to the LibDems to get them on board for the coalition. This act requires 5 year fixed terms but Clegg claimed on TV that there are methods built in whereby elections can be called early. Well, in order for a general election to be held before the term is up, one of three things has to happen.
1) The act is repealed 2) There is a vote of no confidence in the government, without a second vote of confidence in the government in 14 days. Both by a simple majority in the House of Commons. 3) There is a vote for an early election passed by 2/3 of the MPs There is precedent in Europe for option 2) to be deliberately pushed by an incumbent coalition but it's very unusual. Try and imagine a Tory government with a majority calling for no confidence in itself with a 3 line whip to make it happen! Not going to happen. Try and imagine a coalition of SNP, Labour and Tory renegades getting a vote of no confidence passed against a Tory 3 line whip. Again, not going to happen. So unless something really, really bad happens or for some reason Theresa May resigns, it looks like we're stuck with her and the Tories till 7-May-2020. And she'll be watching you. http://www.thecanary.co/2016/07/11/theresa-may-becomes-new-pm-need-share-sht-video/ ps. http://hasarticle50beeninvoked.uk/ [from: Google+ Posts] 14 Jun 2016 Jimmy Cauty's ADP tour of a "Riot in a container" is paying a visit to the Beanfield next weekend and then on to Stonehenge for the Solstice.
https://www.facebook.com/events/226541157721326/ I thought I'd go and try and find the location both of the battle and exactly where the container is going to be sited. It turns out the Beanfield was cut in half by the building of the A303 dual carriageway and the small lane the convoy was forced down is now a dead end. But in the process I found a wonderful image of exactly where the container is going on google streetview. It looks like some squaddies in a tank have stopped for a full english in the middle of some J.G.Ballard-ian dystopian landscape that just needs a couple of hundred police in fluorescent jackets to be part of the show. ![]() Streetview, container location https://goo.gl/maps/6vY3HWoSd1U2 Aerial, Beanfield https://goo.gl/maps/2hQdJYX95ss It's 31 years since the Battle of the Beanfield http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2005/jun/12/ukcrime.tonythompson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Beanfield It gets better. Just round the corner is a red brick motel and a swish boutique hotel with golf course. Not quite pink, but still, They paved paradise And put up a parking lot With a pink hotel, a boutique And a swinging hot SPOT Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got ‘Til it's gone Brexit Leave campaign
meets Right wing think tanks meets Right wing tabloids and broadsheets meets Climate change denial meets Big Oil meets GMO/Big Agriculture And all tied together by lobbyists and lobbyist organisations out of a single address in Westminster http://www.desmog.uk/2016/06/13/mapped-cosy-relationship-climate-euro-sceptic-bubble-55-tufton-street-brexit-less-climate-action It's not about Boris's hair or Farage's latest craziness. It's not about Turkey joining the EU or some mythical tide of immigrants stealing our jobs and our benefits. It's not about EU bureaucracy It's not about saving or killing the NHS It's about a high-stakes, power grab by all the usual suspects. Don't give it to them. Vote remain. ps. The link between climate change denial and GMO promotion is wierd. You'd think if you denied science in one place you'd mistrust it in others. But of course it's never about the science. It's about regulatory capture by big business. And not so surprising that the Leave campaign doesn't want to talk about the environment. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jun/13/eu-referendum-environment-filthy-beaches There is a deep-rooted connection between UK climate science deniers and those campaigning for Britain to leave the European Union, new mapping by DeSmogUK can reveal. [from: Google+ Posts] [ 14-Jun-16 7:53am ] 26 Apr 2016 One more time, with feeling. Farr festival is a boutique electronic dance festival on July 14-15-16. Near Baldock on the A1, 30 miles N of London.
For just a little longer, the ticket link below is for weekend camping tickets at a heavy discount. https://tickets.farrfestival.co.uk/rep/jbond-farr-2016 http://www.farrfestival.co.uk/ From tomorrow (May 24) for one week. Tickets @ £75 and 3 for £150. Get in there. https://tickets.farrfestival.co.uk/rep/jbond-farr-2016 [from: Google+ Posts] |
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