[ 23-Nov-05 9:00am ] [ 0 comments ] [ G ] [ blair , politics ]
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All text here is (K) Kopyleft, All Rights Reversed, 2001, Julian Bond
» Hey Starmer! What about the Brexit millstone? What's
that going to do about your
milestones. And the tepid bath
of managed dec ...
» Combine short doubling period exponential growth, with a
belief in technical fixes that
are actually permanently 30
years away, wi ...
» There's a whole set of technologies that are permanently
30 years out. Fusion is the
most famous. 30 years is the
prediction e ...
» 30 year futures with a date. 2030 felt and maybe still feels
like the far future because
back in 2000 it was. Except
now its only ...
» The Great Game is still very much afoot in the Balkans and
Middle East. Where are The
Light Brigade, Florence
Nightingale, Lawrenc ...
» An alternate view from the ground on what the hell is going
on in the middle east.Note:
the brave liberators of Syria,
HTS, are st ...
» South Korea is in the news. So here's NewJeans
» #Cockail - Netherland60ml Cognac, 22ml Curacao, Orange
Bitters, Lemon twistA simple
winter drink. For simple
people. Like me. ...
» The I-Sage Covid situation report, and others, suggest that
Covid in the UK is in a lull
at the moment.
https://independentsage.su ...