The Blog

10 Science Fiction Novels You Pretend to Have Read (And Why You Should Actually Read Them)
That's a pretty good list. And I'll claim to have read 7 of them.
10 Science Fiction Novels You Pretend to Have Read (And Why You Should Actually Read Them) >>
Science fiction and fantasy offer a rich legacy of great books -- from Asimov to Pynchon, there are some fantastic, ambitious works of genre fiction out there.

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Perhaps us Brits should all move to the west coast of Eire. At least then it will be supposed to rain all the time.  Galway was a lovely town when I last visited with just a gentle drizzle the whole time.
[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Keep Calm Until The Bass Drops

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Kindle-only book releases? What's wrong with dead trees?
[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

I know someone who knows someone who has a weekend ticket available at list price for Bloc 2012 if you left it too late.

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

The Guardian (post)Subgenreifies 2012 music. Genius take out quote: "if you refuse to come up with your own name for the music you're making, eejits like us will have (to [sic]) do it for you."
The A-Z of pop in 2012 >>
From the Guardian Guide: Don't know your Afrobeats from your Cloud rap? Find your way through the changing pop landscape with our handy A-Z guide Listen to our Spotify playlist or watch on YouTube

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Here we go again. M/C parking charges in Westminster. Then Camden, Islington, Hackney, etc, etc.
Bike parking charges spreading to Camden >>
Council believes that free parking 'effectively encourages a shift to motorcycle use'

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

My ticket for Bloc2012 has just turned up. Excited, and just a little nervous about this.

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Yum. Affogato made from two shots of Veluto Nero expresso from the Algerian coffee stores and a couple of big scoops of Tesco Finest Madagascar Vanilla ice cream.

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Just a link really so I can go back and find it again in August come the first anniversary of the London Riots.

"The question on people's lips is 'why are these people rioting', but perhaps the question should be 'why wouldn't they'?"

"Politicians can't see any political message to be drawn from the eruption into the public consciousness of thousands of people around the country with so little stake in society, so little to loose, so little to do with a long hot summer and no EMA, no spending money, no youth centres to do anything in that they're willing to risk jail time for the thrill of a firebomb and a new TV."
[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Like-d for this piece of genius. "it's really only the eyeballs and the tips of our fingers that play a role in the pursuit of pleasure - as far as the Internet's concerned, the rest of us is just meat."

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

It's World Gin Day tomorrow.
So I had to finish my bottle of No.171 Portobello Road today. All I can say is that it's a good honest drop of gin and makes a damn fine Martini. And at a very reasonable price as well. Recommended.

Next on the list (and ready for June 9) is a gift bottle of Greenall's Berkeley Square. Looking forward to it.

Nods to "Gimme some gin!"

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Stuff, nonsense and found rubbish
Total contrast to the previous post. The very worst the UK has to offer along with some whimsy.

What it is.
A guide to the very cheapest in Iceland, Aldi, Lidl, Tesco Value
Retro Stuff
Greasy Spoons
Not yer average foody blog
Hipster Heaven. Site has several other guides. This one is Dalston and environs
Shit London | Urban decay at its finest >>
Alternative photos of London taken by Londoners.

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

The very best of West End-Central London

I've been meaning to do this for a while. Here's some of the very finest shops, cafes and stuff in Central London.

Wine and Spirits
Chillout cafe
Pub to rest your feet in Camden
Indian Veggy Food. Especially weekday lunch all you can eat buffet
Indian Sweets

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Top 10 best (Wobble)Dubstep tracks of all time

Will (Wobble)Dubstep last longer than DnB and become more mainstream? It's now at least 7 years (maybe 10 depending on where you start) and counting. That's longer than most sub-genres in the Hardcore Continuum(c) survive. And I think it's safe to say that it's better known by more people than most of them.

I still hate it though. It was hilarious for 5 minutes and then just stupid. (IMHO!)
So, the wobble end of dubstep have won, at least in terms of popularity and overall influence, and despite all the right knowing people saying that it'll be over and forgotten in a few years. Now,...

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Is your Linkedin password the same one you used on other sites? on password re-use. Obviously.

Bonus link:
xkcd: Password Reuse >>
XKCD updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You can get prints, posters, and t-shirts in the store. Password Reuse. |< · < Prev · Random · Next > · >|. Password Reuse. |< · < P...

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Damn you, Placebophiles and your crazy Handwavium! Where's Peer-Review Man and his Double-Blind Stick when we need him?
[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

Shackleton - Music For The Quiet Hour / The Drawbar Organ EPs
It's time to dust off the IDM label. This is both clearly part of the dance music continuum and also clearly not for dancing to! Which is kind of where IDM sat. It really reminds me of people like Bill Laswell and Jah Wobble in the sense of producing experimental music but which is clearly informed by a more mainstream genre like Funk, Dub Reggae or Dance.

It also highlights the current problem of trying to name, categorise and create boxes for (sub)bass-heavy musics particularly from the UK melting pot. "dowuhtulike - we'll name it later" is a valid response but it's a bit of a cop out so here's another take. There's DM (dance music), sometimes called IDM that is DM designed for listening to while doing something else. As opposed to DM that is designed to jack your body and that only really makes sense while played at high volume on a dance floor.

The "intelligent" bit of IDM is a bit insulting because it suggests that there's Stupid Dance Music (SDM?) as well. Well there certainly are DMs that are stupid (psy-trance comes to mind!) but that's not the intention.

AnyRoadUp, no matter what we decide to call it, Shackleton is pushing boundaries with some extraordinary sounds that are still accessible. Dig it out, listen to it, enjoy. RA gave it 4.5 out of 5 and IMHO that's deserved.
The Quietus | News | Shackleton Returns With 3LP & CD Boxset >>
OOF! A formidable new box set arrives from Sam Shackleton

[from: Google Plus Public Activity Feed for Julian Bond]

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