If you're fascinated by this year's mythical narratives like the NSA, Manning, Snowden, Assange, Wikileaks, and you like verbal pyrotechnics then you really must read this piece from Bruce Sterling. https://medium.com/geek-empire-1/a1ebd2b4a0e5

"Then there’s Julian Assange. Yeah, him, the silver-haired devil, the Mycroft Holmes of the Ecuadorian Embassy."

I LOLed.

Seriously. Go read it now.
 The Ecuadorian Library »
Back in distant, halcyon 2010, I was asked to write something about Wikileaks and its Cablegate scandal. So, I wrote a rather melancholy ess…

[from: Google+ Posts]

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[ 04-Aug-13 10:23pm ]