I'm Backing Blair because He's tough on Blame. Tough on the causes of Blame. I imagine a small meeting in the back of 10 Downing Street. Blur: I know it's not going to work, you know it's not going to work, but make it look plausible. If we get this right, we can finally get one over the law lords. Clarke (for it is he): yes, but... Blur: Look. I know Blunkett was a lunatic but we can't back out now. Just do it, ok? later that same day Blur: Getting the MPs to vote on an amendment they hadn't seen and you hadn't written was a master stroke. Well done. 14 votes was a bit close, but we got away with it. Now if the lords throw it out we can do the same thing we did with the Fox hunting bill. A few more of these and we'll be rid of the Lords for ever. |
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[ 08-Mar-05 10:31am ] [ Politics