As you know, Google's Help, Support and Press communities are all over the place. There's GoogleGroups, Productforums, G+ Profiles, G+ Communities, blogs on Blogger, Help&Support FAQs and on and on. At some stage, probably in the Gundrota era, a lot of Google product teams were encouraged to create G+ communities to do customer relationship and support work. Some of these are still running and active.
In theory, all that content and community outreach should be migrated somewhere else as part of the G+ sunset. In practice, we know Google will simply shutter them. And the people tasked with running them will just get re-assigned.
Took me a while to find that Press page, listing all the customer and press relationship sites. Expect it to just disappear as well.
I'm starting to wonder about Communities migration as well.
This being one community that doesn't really face that problem ;-)
In theory, all that content and community outreach should be migrated somewhere else as part of the G+ sunset. In practice, we know Google will simply shutter them. And the people tasked with running them will just get re-assigned.
Took me a while to find that Press page, listing all the customer and press relationship sites. Expect it to just disappear as well.