Towards a new form of music criticism in a post, post[1] world.

I especially liked the critique of List criticism that just gives you a
list of retro-historical references. I find myself wanting to do this all the time. "This sounds like that (and they did it better!)" As he says: This type of review says so little it might as well read: #ChewedCorners #Paradinas #chillwave #italodisco #pianohouse #hiphop #hardcore #footwork #UKfunky #house = 7.1/10. has a dissenting view.

[1]Try this.
Elsewhere in media art, the unprecedented use of the word “post” is unprecedented to the point where culture is so over itself to the point that what remains is a “super-hybrid” mélange of unicorns, kittens, animated GIFs of lactation, and the truckload of memes.