What are the chances of ChromeOS becoming a general purpose OS that can be installed on virtually any PC and/or run as a liveCD from CD/DVD/USB? Is this actually desirable?
At the moment it kind of works but has quite a few problems.
- Hard coded device letter, is the boot device /dev/sdb3 or /dev/sdc3 ?
- Endless Repairing State partition-reboot cycles
- Problems with hardware support
- Missing proprietary code, eg MP3, Flash support
What I'm looking for is the ability to put my complete Chrome environment on a USB stick that can be used to boot any (or at least almost all) PCs.
There's a couple of options like Chrome as a Portable App or Chrome on top of Puppy Linux that kind of get there, but what I'd really like is ChromeOS on a USB stick.
And there's always things like Crouton to make Linux bits available outside the browser.