Reminiscent of the language problem of Hackers vs Crackers. Hacking code is no longer acceptable language as it's been absorbed into something that describes the malicious hacking of systems. Anarchism is a just a political viewpoint as the logical conclusion of anti-authoritarianism[1]. But that's subversive and against the state so no wonder the state demonizes it. In the process, the word is taken over and used as a catch all to describe anyone who commits violence against society and particularly revolutionary violence. And then we have the double plus ungood press release below from the forces of awe and boredom telling us to fink on any of our neighbours who look like they might be harbouring violent revolutionary thoughts. Because after all, a hoodie with the circled A symbol on it is just as dangerous as a Burhka, right?
Can you see the fnords yet?
[1]Anarchists can be right wing or left wing, individualist or communal. Anarcho-syndicalists have a strong following just as much as Anarcho-Capitalists. Similarly
Authoritarians can be right wing or left wing. But perhaps most dangerous of all are the Right Wing Authoritarians. They want to tell you what to do, but only from the perspective of their own personal, individualist gain. At least left wing authoritarians make a pretense of telling you what to do for the good of society.1-45 Trinity Rd, Ware, Hertfordshire SG12 7
I don't remember the IRA being described as terrorists but maybe they were. Right now "terrorist" = fundamentalist muslim bomber. I was scratching around for the right image to show the absurdity and what might actually happen and "burka" popped into my head, probably due to the ridiculous French laws. What is it that the average officious busy body is going to find suspicious about their neighbours, if not how they dress? I'm just trying to imagine how this works. As a good citizen what am I supposed to be looking for? Stacks of pro-hunting placards supporting the countryside alliance perhaps. Or maybe that black T shirt at the bottom of my drawer with the upraised fist and "permanent revolution" on it.
This modern world, eh?
We have no real say in what we're giving up. And I don't think we deserve anything.