For the first time, then, we know that in private, British and US government agencies are taking seriously longstanding scientific data showing that a business-as-usual trajectory will likely lead to civilisational collapse within a few decades - generating multiple near-term global disruptions along the way. 
The question that remains is: what we are going to do about it?

What's interesting here is an attempt to update the Limits to Growth models with current data and fine tuning the parameter set. LtoG was broadly correct but we can improve it.

With a US election cycle coming up that's likely to set US policy for 8 years, and with the Uk election cycle just started, the question is what are they going to do about this? How will it inform policy? 
Some times it feels like the politicians approach is to build a defensible bunker for them and their friends. Maintain business as usual for as long as possible but put civil control mechanisms in place to try and contain the resulting chaos.

Too cynical?

[from: Google+ Posts]

[ << My first public post in G+. 8 July 2011, a week or so after the launch. ] [ A couple of good posts here about the state of Labour in the UK. >> ]
[ 07-Jul-15 6:57pm ]