Proper, full on rant about the evil that is pet cats and dogs.

I approve of this message. Not only do they need daily emptying which leads to the poo-fairy and cat shit in the garden, but they kill song birds, and the pet food industry causes untold havoc. Have you any idea how hard it is to get organic, free range, cat food? Even in Waitrose? Never mind the happiness of your cat, what about the happiness of the animals that were bred to feed it? Eh?
 Greenish kitty plague spreads through US websites »
A blight of mindless cat and dog stories has infected US enviro news sites. Who's to blame?

[from: Google+ Posts]

[ << Here's a thought experiment for futurists and especially the Californian Long Now enthusiasts. ] [ What a curious character. Worth investigating. >> ]
[ 20-Apr-14 10:54am ]